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Vanossgaming Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies

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Call of Duty Series

  • Operation Bigfoot, a term used during a hide-and-seek mod for Call of Duty. The player must turn into the largest prop on the list and somehow remain undetected. Satellite dishes are a particular favorite.
  • Each of the group's troll old videos, notably Delirious' "Deliriously Trolled", Vanoss' "Troll Funtage" and Nogla's "Nogla Annoys" series, where one, most, if not all of them, just go around in a lobby and annoy someone for humor.
  • Vanoss' "Get Cut Off" series from their old Black Ops II days where him, one of his friends or a bunch of other random CoD players get cut off mid-sentence or mid-scream when they get killed in a match they are in. There are some notable ones as given out below:
    • Delirious explaining how he can't get a statue defuse in a certain spot in a map and just as he was about to point out where it is, he gets sniped.
    • Each and every single one of the "Epic Screams".
    • This one.

      Moo: I'm defusing it! I'm defusing it! I'm defusing it! I'm defusing it! I'm—(dead).

    • Mexicutiioner getting killed mid-sentence as he was talking about a YouTuber who edits an impressive amount of his/her Modern Warfare videos. This happens to him TWICE in succession and he doesn't seem annoyed at getting cut off either.
    • Moo attempting a "Mythbusters" skit on his own by trying to see if a Trophy system can save him from a car explosion. Myth Busted!.
    • Two words: Marcel's scream.
    • Vanoss' Rapid-Fire "No!" before getting killed.
    • This genuine little moment

      Moo: Ahhhhh, (gets a kill) gotcha bitch! Gotcha you to— (gets killed)

      Wildcat: (little wheeze) Nha ha! No you don't! Ha ha ha ha!

    • Mexi's attempt at an F-bomb just as he realizes he is gonna get killed by a grenade.
    • Delirious scooting over at a corner in the map, only to fall off and die. His reaction was basically Delirious being Delirious.
    • These two gems between Scott and Delirious.

      Scotty: (gets killed and drops the bomb)

      Delirious: (mocking laughter) He's dead. He's a bitch. Fourzero, you're a bit— (gets killed)


      Delirious: Oh! Oh! Fourzero! Vano— (Dead)

      Scotty: Shut the fuck up.

  • Previously on Vanoss' channel, he deleted a Black Ops II video where Basically was continuously holding a C4 while looking up to the sky ala The Lion King style, while blaring the movie's infamous theme music on his side. At first, Vanoss was really laughing at the parody Basically was doing, but as it kept going for the next several games, Vanoss eventually grew tired of it near the end of his video of it. Hilariously, once he had enough he promptly throws a C4 below the car Basically was standing on, blowing the car up and killing Basically, but himself as well.

    Vanoss: Every time I turn around. Every fucking time. He just stands there with a C4! (throws C4 on car) Fuck this (C4 blows up, killing him and Marcel).

  • Marcel roasting a hacker in a game of Black Ops II. Doubles as a Moment Of Awesome.
    • The crew laughing at the background when the hacker starts to rage when Marcel points out the hacker's score, all while demanding him to turn on his hacks.
    • The hacker attempting to say Nogla's name before giving up half way in response after being killed by Nogla.

    Nogla: He gave up reading it!
    Mini: He gave up.
    Nogla: Halfway through he's like "Daithi... oh fuck it".
    Wildcat: (Mimicking) Daithi De- whatever the fuck his name is. (laughs)

    • To affirm the guy was actually hacking, they went to Theater Mode to watch the game through his point of view. Immediately, the match greets him with a garishly-colored ego-stroking banner with the player's handle, and a blacked out section that might possibly be his real name or the name of the mod-maker. If it was the former, he's quite lucky Marcel and Nogla were the better men to protect his identity.
      • However, in Scotty and Mini's view, they keeps the section open, revealing that it's just the name of the Mod and version number- which Wildcat points out on both videos. Marcel and Nogla were probably trying to prevent other people from knowing the mod's version name.
    • During viewing their replay, the hacker accidentally kills himself by his C4 after headshotting Mini Ladd.

      Scotty: What an idiot! *laughs*
      Mini: Nice! Nice!
      Marcel: That was his only death.
      Tyler: That was his only death! He killed himself.
      Nogla: Genius.

    • In light of this, a small number of subscribers and viewers had even made it their mission to track the hacker's ass down and harass him to the ends of the earth.
  • In this video, Terroriser actually manages to piss off MOO , of all people, by constantly knifing him. Many viewers were outright shocked to hear Moo's rage induced yell. In his own version of the game play, he made it clear that he held no ill will towards Terroriser and pointed out that it was payback for him having made fun of Terroriser in a previous video (see Garry's Mod Deathrun below).
    • In the same video, there is a highly amusing killcam of Marcel turning around to shoot Evan, only for Tyler to jump in and take the shot. Marcel's added dialogue only makes it funnier.

    Moo: Our friendship runs deep.

  • In this gameplay Vanoss and Terroriser make it a point to knife everyone, much to their chagrin. Special mention goes to everybody, including Vanoss and Terroriser, joining forces to make sure that Nogla does not place 1st after doing so for most of the video.
  • In yet another deleted video, Vanoss, Delirious, Brock, Scotty (using Marcel's account), Nogla, Tyler, Cody and Brian playing their own version of Trouble in Terrorist Town on ''Black Ops II'' has a couple of notable funny moments.
    • Delirious hilariously missing TWO knifes on Moo and then a missing a point-blank sniper shot on him. This is later followed by him dolphin-diving out of a window, only to die once he hits the ground.
    • The group, minus Brian (who was the Traitor), messing with Scott on Brian's whereabouts. Eventually when Scotty and the others notice that Scott has found Brian, whose assault rifle was poking through a window, everybody goes silent until Scott kills Brian from behind. Scott actually lampshades the situation after he gets the win.

    Scotty: I saw your gun sticking out of the window. Everybody went fucking quiet quick!

    • At one point, Nogla dolphin-dives from one platform to another, only to die on impact which left his corpse in a position as though he was still alive. This left anybody who saw him believing that he was still alive and panic, only to realize that he was dead all along, much to his and who else found him amused.
  • the Call of Duty WWII minigame Gridiron is filled with laughs chaos and mayhem. But the true kicker is that after 10 minutes of a tied game at 20 or so points, everyone starts to realize that there a score limit instead of a time limit. Vanoss gets everyone to stop and suggest that they quit and reset the score with a time limit but Everyone just wants to play to the score limit. Vanoss then sheepishly admits he set the score limit to 100 to everyone's shock and exhasperation.
  • In this video of Black Ops 4's Battle Royale mode, Vanoss and co. troll a random player which ends with them deliberately killing him. In response, the player lets out a racist rant that devolves Vanoss, Nogla and Terroriser to hysterics.
    • And if you listen closely to the player's rant, he doesn't seem to know who Vanoss and Nogla are, yet quickly recognises Terroriser before demanding that he kills them in retaliation.
  • During Moo's 'fake livestream' of Black Ops 4, Marcel calls in an RC unit while he camps in a corner but when he turns it around on the same room he is in, the last opposing player appears running into the room and he detonates the RC unit, killing both of them. Marcel's girly yelp just seals it.

    Terroriser: Boys I think I found my new text ringtone! If I get a text message in a meeting, it's gonna terrify everyone there!

    • Also Brock, Marcel and Sp00n all make playful ad plugs to their "sponsors", but when Brian suggests people to subscribe to his channel, the group immediately tell him to stop "with the plugs".

      Terroriser: Okay, I get it, alright. What's this "National Be-Dickheads-To-Brian Day"?!

    • In one round in the stream, the boys all regroup to go after the only enemy player that isn't moving at their spawn. Terroriser plans to radiate the poor guy as a finishing kill. Once everyone gathers around the guy and Terroriser is about to do it, the guy suddenly times out and disconnects, crushing Brian's dreams.
    • In the last round of Moo's stream, Marcel finally has enough and decides to rage quit and end his side of the stream. It turns out the players they were facing against were watching Marcel's stream after just facing them right there and immediately express their disappointment over making him rage quit. You can hear Brian narrate the whole thing in the background as he, Nogla and Sp00n laugh their ass off.

      Terroriser: (As Nogla and Sp00n laugh in the background) They're watching the stream, watching him get angry and ending the stream.

  • After two years of making Modern Warfare content and fed up with the game's matchmaking, Wildcat decided to create a new account and with it, a new persona: A 45 year old tiktoker with the username Codgod 76. Wildcat uses a voice changer whenever he speaks in voice chat to give the impression he's actually 45 and talks in a redneck-esque way. The funniest thing about this persona is how people get instantly tilted the moment they hear what appears to be a boomer laughing at them and proclaiming the round is going on Tiktok, which usually devolves into a screaming match between Wildcat and the enemy players.

Call of Duty: Zombies

  • Nearly the entirety of their "Five Fails At Freddy's" Video

    Nogla: These animatronics run fast as shit! (proceeds to scream in a Mickey Mouse-esque way)
    Vanoss shoots down the 3 normal zombies chasing Nogla

    Vanoss: I like how he said that and there were three normal zombies chasing after him!

    • Later on, this happens:

    Vanoss: Oh god, they're coming in (proceeds to repeat "they're coming in" at least 6 times)

    Terroriser: They're gettin-

    Nogla proceeds to mutter "they're comin' in..." several times until he, out of nowhere, makes a scream that degenerates into him sounding like Mickey Mouse, causing Vanoss to laugh his head off.

    Terroriser: What the fuck is that?

    Basically: What's Mickey Mouse doin' in here?

  • Nogla's occasional Flowery Insults are pretty funny too, but the gem has to be from a play through of Black Ops III Zombies when Vanoss is being more unhelpful than usual:

    Nogla: (Brief bout of Angrish while the others laugh) Oh my God, this has been explained so many times to you! You're like a dad teaching a kid with no FUCKING mobility in his legs how to (ride a) tricycle! While someone's pushing him!

  • During their first attempts at Shadows of Evil, Moo is downed and sees a tentacle monster heading for the rest of them.

    Moo: Oh My Gosh! Wha... OH! OH! IT'S THE BIG GUY! BIG GUY!
    Delirious: Where?
    Moo: BIG GUY!
    Delirious: Where? I don't believe you Moo. I don't believe..oh he's coming! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I believe him! I BELIEV-AHHHHAHHHAHHHH!

  • During a round of COD Zombies, the ending glitches out going corrupt note For the record, the map is supposed to take the players out of the map via the plane from Mob of the Dead, put them in a hole to fight a few more boss zombies, then end the game. Here, however, the plane glitches out and throws everyone off of it so they land back on the map (Moo even gets stuck in an inaccessible area on the main building) and cannot be reactivated, effectively breaking the Easter Egg. So, Vanoss and the group discuss what would of happen which include, the video just simpily ending, a message popping up saying "that was the end of the video" followed by credits and a clip-art image of a plane being dragged across the screen.
  • During a match on Der Eisendrache, Wildcat is being chased by a Panzer Soldat and gets flamethrowered to death by it, but his screams sound like something else entirely happened...

    Wildcat: "The big guy, is here with me, he's lighting my fucking testicles on fire, AHHH IT BURNS! AAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

    (everyone laughs)

    Nogla:"Yeah, you definitely got buttfucked right there."

  • In a WWII themed COD Zombies video, Terroriser asks Vanoss, who is half Chinese, to translate what he assumes to be Mandarin, only for Moo to tell him that they're in Japan. Immediate regret comes across Terroriser once he realizes.

    Wildcat: Wow. WOW, Brian, that's the most racist shit! That's the fuc—oh wow, my video's not gonna get monetized now, that's racist...
    Terroriser: Okay, just gl... Oh, and there's a rising sun the—ah god never mind, fuck... I'm gonna get hate.

    • Then shortly after that he proceeds to become The Ahnold once more while picking up an MG42 powerup, something which everyone is quick to call him out on.
  • In this Batman themed COD Zombies video, Vanoss, Basically, Mini and Nogla go outside city hall to a christmas tree surrounded by presents that they can open to get items. However, one of the presents they opened had a Bouncing Betty in it. As soon as it activates, the guys don't notice what it is until a second just as it explodes, instantly downing Mini, Basically and Nogla, but not Vanoss. The Joker would be proud of the map creator.
    • There's also Nogla coming back to resume playing the game while having a banana on his mouth. Take that however you will.
    • Nogla again. When Basically starts peacefully singing "O Christmas Tree", Nogla joins. He doesn't notice the other zombie behind him, but when he does, his singing turns into a scream of horror.

    Nogla: "O Christmas Tree... o christmas tree..." (sees a zombie behind him) AHHHHHHHHH!!

  • This old deleted video of Vanoss, Brock and Delirious (and Nogla before he went to bed) on the map "Buried" in Black Ops II. Here, Vanoss has to go downstairs to get his delivered pizza and ask Delirious and Brock to watch over his character while he is away. Suddenly, the crawler that both Delirious and Brock were making sure was still alive died, thus forcing them to move on to the next wave, which causes Brock and Delirious to panic as they now have to protect, not only themselves with very low supplies but also, Vanoss' idle character. The two do their very best to survive but ultimately fail. By the time Vanoss comes back, they are already back on the main menu, much to his chagrin.
    • What's funnier about this is that the three were on Easy difficulty.
    • This can also count as one of the rare times Moo actively swears, as shown by this line when he is asking Evan:

    Moo: How far away is your fucking door?

    • In a meta example. Moo, as he says in the video, had apparently recorded this session but never got to upload it on his channel, making his perspective of this "buried" forever.
  • The Running Gag of Vanoss accidentally starting a session in Co-op Campaign. At one point, it even crashed Wildcat's game.
  • Vanoss, Mini, Nogla and Brian's first WaW Zombies playthrough, Nogla is unlucky enough to suffer a glitch where he can no longer have a secondary weapon and be stuck with only one for the whole game. To make it amusingly worse, each time he hits the mystery box, he ends up with either a really bad weapon or a teddy bear. To add insult to injury, after getting Monkey Bombs from the box, Vanoss comes in and hits it for a weapon, Nogla sarcastically remarks that Vanoss might get a Ray Gun. Guess what happened?

    Nogla: Fucking monkeys when I have three bullets. This game hates me! * sad moaning as Vanoss comes in to hit the box * Bet you get like Ray Gun or some bullshit.

    (As if on cue, the Ray Gun pops from the box for Vanoss)

    • Nogla doesn't actually quit after being convinced by Vanoss, Mini and Brian to stay. But when he goes to hit the box again to get a weapon... he gets a teddy bear instead, then he rage quits for real.
  • The end of this WaW Zombies video is golden. Nogla tells a story about once when he was 7, after having a dream about being on the toilet, he had to go to it in real life badly and as he was getting ready to do his business...He craps himself. On his pants that were on the floor. As Wildcat said, "You didn't shit your pants, you shit on your pants." Then, his brother came in, when the bathroom door was open, saw this, gave an awkward stare, and walked away. Thankfully, Nogla cleaned it up.

Vanossgaming Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies
