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How to Make Slime With Dawn Dish Soap

My kids are really into making slime these days.  Although I love their creativity, it can make quite a mess.  I finally figured out How to get Slime out of Clothes and am excited to share this with you today!

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Getting slime out of clothes is easier than you think!

Slime making is a regular activity in my home nowadays.  My kids have jumped in on the craze and are obsessed with making and perfecting slime.

To be honest, it took me awhile to support this activity since it can cause a mess in my home and on their clothes.  However, now that I have figured out how to easily get slime out of clothes, I embrace slime making!

When I was trying different options and I came to this one, I thought it would not work at all because I had tried many options that failed.

Boy was I wrong!  This process works perfectly and is easier than I thought it would be!

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

What you need to get slime out of clothes:

You only need 2 ingredients to get slime out of clothes and I bet you already have these in your home, so you don't even have to go the store.  Woohoo!

  • Vinegar (either white vinegar or cleaning vinegar)
  • Dish Soap

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Why is vinegar used in cleaning recipes?

You'll find vinegar in a lot of our DIY cleaning recipes and there is a reason why.  Vinegar is acidic which is why it does a great job cutting through grease, grime and many stains.

When I use vinegar in my cleaning recipes, I used white distilled vinegar or cleaning vinegar.  Generally, I get whichever one is more affordable at the store as I find that both work the same.

Some people do not care for the smell of vinegar (my husband is one of these people); however, do not worry.  The smells dissipates very quickly so it won't linger around too long.

I think the smell is worth the sacrifice for it's magic cleaning powers!

I have grown to love using vinegar for cleaning in my home.  Vinegar and baking soda are 2 ingredients that I always have in my pantry for cleaning and many home hacks.

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

How to get slime out of clothes – Step 1:

Ok, let's get started with how to get slime out of clothes!

First, I can not stress this enough, try to address the stain as soon as possible.  Dried slime is harder to remove from clothes than wet slime, so make sure you remove it as soon as possible!

Once the slime is on the clothes, I use a butter knife to get as much of the "surface slime" off of the shirt as possible.  I scape the surface of the shirt and the slime is peeled off.

If you are having trouble removing the "surface slime", try rubbing the top of it with an ice cube to solidify the slime.  Use the ice cubes to freeze the slime and then remove as much as you can with your hands or the butter knife.

Try to get out as much of the remaining slime as possible and if your kids are older, they can definitely help with this step as it's kind of fun.

After the "surface slime" has been removed, soak the affected area of the piece of clothing in warm water and vinegar (equal parts of each) for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

It won't harm the shirt to leave it longer in this mixture.  However, based on my experience, I have found that it does need to soak for a minimum of 5 minutes.

The vinegar will pull a lot of the slime ingredients out of the clothing so be patient with this step.

After this soaking time, rinse the clothing thoroughly with hot water to remove the vinegar and the excess slime ingredients that the vinegar has pulled to the surface of the clothing.

How to get slime out of clothes – Step 2:

After the vinegar mixture has been removed, add a small amount of dish soap to the shirt and scrub away any additional staining that might be on the shirt with a damp cloth or scrub brush.

I used Dawn dish soap for this piece of clothing but any that you have in your home should work great.  Castile soap or liquid detergent would be good substitutions as well.

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

After you are done scrubbing, rinse the soap out of the shirt and dry as much as possible with a dry towel.  All the slime and stain was removed at this time for me, but go ahead wash the clothing item based on the regular instructions on the clothing in your washing machine to ensure that everything is removed.

That's it.  The picture below shows what the shirt looks like after this process.  It works like a charm every time.  Even though it seems like a lot of work, I promise it's pretty simple and works great!

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

How to get dried slime out of clothes:

Dried slime is harder to get out of clothes but it's not impossible.  Follow the same process as above, but I would allow the affected area on the clothing to soak for a minimum of 30 minutes in the vinegar.

Also, after the first soaking time, check the clothing and re-soak if needed to pull additional slime out of the clothing.  Don't give up, it is possible to get the slime out!

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

How to get slime out of clothes without vinegar:

It is possible to get slime out of clothes without vinegar in case you are all out and find yourself in a slime emergency.  You can substitute rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for the vinegar in this process if needed.

I find that the vinegar does work the best, so that would be my first option to remove slime stains from clothes.

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Check out these other stain treating ideas:

I was surprised by how easy it was to remove slime from clothes.  Originally, I thought if slime got all over my kids clothes that the clothes would be ruined forever.  However, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Also, I use this cleaning hack to remove stains from clothes and it work every time.  You can read about it here.

In addition, I have discovered how to remove blood from clothing with this hack as well.  You can find this stain removing tip here.

If you enjoy these DIY cleaning ideas, have you tried making your own laundry detergent yet? Making our own laundry soap has saved our family a lot of money over the years and is a lot easier to make than you would think!  I hope you give it a try!

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Try one of these fun slime recipes!

Ok, so now that you know that slime getting on clothes doesn't completely ruin them, I hope you enjoy slime making with your family.

My kids have loved experimenting with slime recipes and it's beneficial for depending motor skills, problem solving skills and emotional control.

Here are some of our favorite slime recipes that you can try with your kids today!

Crunchy Slime is such a fun slime to make and very easy.

  • How to Make Slime for Kids that is Calming
  • Glitter Slime – How to Make it in Minutes!
  • How to Make Fluffy Slime
  • DIY Chalkboard Slime
  • The Best 2 Ingredient Slime
  • Color Changing Slime
  • Valentine's Day Homemade Slime
Learn how to get slime out clothes with dawn dish soap. It's simple to get slime out of clothes with white vinegar or without vinegar. How to get dried slime out of clothes. You'll love these cleaning tips and stain removers to get slime out of clothes for kids without baking soda. #onecrazymom #cleaningtips #slime

Borax Slime is a very simple DIY and great for beginners just learning to make slime.

We have 35 adorable summer crafts for kids that will keep little ones from being bored.

How to Make Slime With Dawn Dish Soap
