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Can You Drink Vodka on South Beach Diet

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alcohol on phase 1 question!!!

So, I started my South beach diet today, it seems similar to Atkins but a lil more freedom with the veggies but eat less fatty stuff.
My question is, I'm in my 20's, I love to party, I work and play in a social industry in LA.
So basically I go out a lot, and Im soooo NOT against alcohol.

Tonight I'm meeting a friend at TGI friday for a casual drinks & appetizer at 10pm, I can control food, but telling me not to have ANY alcohol is kinda impossible...
I mean I know I should AVOID fruity drinks, & cocktails, but can't I even
have vodka & soda(<--soda as in the one thats clear & has 0 calorie & 0 carbs)...

What do you think I should order at TGI?


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Can You Drink Vodka on South Beach Diet
